Podcast Episodes

Design, Editorial, Fashionista, Trending

How we made “Go Explore Campaign”

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Episode 106: Jody Lee Lipes

This week we chat with amazing DP Jody Lee Lipes. We chat about making I Know This Much is True and the challenges that arouse while shooting. Lots of good stuff in this one! Check it out!! https://www.jodyleelipes.com/ Please visit us on the socials as we'd love to hear from you!https://www.instagram.com/goguerillafilmwww.twitter.com/goguerillafilmgoguerillafilm@gmail.com


Episode 104: We Chat with Filmmaker Aleem Hossain

This week we chat with filmmaker Aleem Hossain and his journey making his feature “After We Leave” www.afterweleave.com Now streaming on Amazon Prime: Writer-Director Aleem Hossain www.aleemhossain.com instagram.com/aleemhossain No Film School article: https://nofilmschool.com/after-we-leave-30k-sci-fi-feature DP Julie Kirkwood www.juliekirkwood.com https://www.instagram.com/juliekirkwooddp/ Lead Actor Brian Silverman http://www.brisilverman.com/ https://www.instagram.com/brianmatthewsilverman Supporting Cast Anslem Richardson https://www.instagram.com/anslemasylum Anita Leeman-Torres https://www.instagram.com/anitaleemantorres Clay Wilcox VFX Supervisor Blaise Hossain http://www.saffron-ember.com/…


Episode 103: Waco, Defending Jacob & Crime + Punishment

This week we chat about some political issues that are ever so present in out society. We also watched Waco, Defending Jacob and Crime + Punishment. It's a good one! Please visit us on the socials as we'd love to hear from you!https://www.instagram.com/goguerillafilmwww.twitter.com/goguerillafilmgoguerillafilm@gmail.com


Episode 101: Actor and Filmmaker Kestrin Pantera

This week we chat with Actor and Filmmaker Kestrin Pantera. She provides some great insight into indie filmmaking and how she was able to complete Mother's Little Helpers, a film which we absolutely loved! Links: https://www.motherslittlehelpers.co/ https://kestrin.com/ Please visit us on the socials as we'd love to hear from you!https://www.instagram.com/goguerillafilmwww.twitter.com/goguerillafilmgoguerillafilm@gmail.com


Episode 100: We watched Capone & Robert Pattinson’s Career.

This week we review Capone, which Sashia has been waiting for. How did it fair for us? Also we chat about Robert Pattinson's career because, why not. Please visit us on the socials as we'd love to hear from you!https://www.instagram.com/goguerillafilmwww.twitter.com/goguerillafilmgoguerillafilm@gmail.com


Episode 98: New Gear, Extraction & AMC vs Universal

This week we chat about some new gear announcements, the AMC versus Universal feud and we watched Extraction. Kevin James' YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9k23HZ1xMiqxf4gFfmxr5w Please visit us on the socials as we'd love to hear from you!https://www.instagram.com/goguerillafilmwww.twitter.com/goguerillafilmgoguerillafilm@gmail.com


Episode 97: Katie Says Goodbye & Weird Frame Rates

This week we talk about weird frame rates and how it spoiled a show for us. We also watched Katie Says Goodbye. Please visit us on the socials as we'd love to hear from you!https://www.instagram.com/goguerillafilmwww.twitter.com/goguerillafilmgoguerillafilm@gmail.com